It is a magnificent fall on Long Island. Pumpkins are being harvested, mums and Montauk daisies are ready to bloom and traffic has moved from the Hampton's to the North Fork. The Ts and my Mr. and I have been able to get out and enjoy these beautiful days that remind me of God's blessings around us. I know I am blessed in so many ways but have had some of those reminders this last week that make me say an extra prayer of Thanks. We walked for miles in the sunshine and perfect temperatures for two days. Saturday we met friends in Central Park and walked all over and climbed the rocks and then walked down to Hells Kitchen for a great dinner and then to Time Square to their hotel (a cab ride back to our van though!). Sunday we spent out on the other end of Long Island at Maritime Festival in Greenport and walked for hours there. The boats were dreamy. Oh my feet and legs!!!!
I also saw a friend of mine this weekend who asked me the greatest thing. She is going to work on spinning and dying yarn and would like me to help write patterns and knit samples. Would I be interested?
Wait let me think..................... YES!!!!! This is so exciting, if I weren't so tired I don't know if I could sleep tonight. Wow what an opportunity. More on that to come.
On the knitting front, I am back to the Urban Aran and should finish soon, body and one sleeve done.
Fall and Wool are in the air and I am happy. Fall is my favorite season!