I am sorry to those of you that stop by to see what I have been doing. I found that there is so little time in my life to knit that I have not taken the time to take pictures and blog. You are a dear to keep checking back. The other reason for my absence is that I don't like the picture format I have to use on this blog site. My Mr. and I talked about finding someway to work around it and have both been too swamped to do that. Finally, I also find it hard to actually take pictures.
All excuses I know, but there it is.
My needles have been very busy anyway. I knit through the fall and right into the holidays and suddenly I find I am in a new decade. WOW! How does that happen? I have put aside most of my yarn knitting for a bit and have now been working on my knitted wire jewelry. I committed to participate in a show the end of March and need to have product to show. I promise pictures soon!!!!
Any way, Thank you for sticking with me and I found some pictures to share.
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