I have been absent. Please forgive me.
Things got wild here the beginning of April and I feel like life is just now settling down. T1 was confirmed into the Lutheran church on April 5th. It is a big deal for us and the fact that we now live 900 miles from most of our family means a celebration involved travel and house guests. As we prepared for hosting 12 out of town guests for the weekend and a party with 35 guest as well as regular life, I didn't have much time for knitting.
The short story is it was a wonderful weekend that flew by way too fast. The weather did not co-operate but we had three days of food and family all in support of a boy becoming a man.
So there has not been a great deal of knitting as I said so very little to post about. I finished the body of the Urban Aran sweater, finally. I had gotten to the under arm and decided I wanted more of the side cable detail. I frogged back almost a skein of yarn and re-knit. The rest of the body was knit without incident. I did struggle with alterations because I think the pattern would be great as a raglan. If I ever do this pattern again I will try it. Last week I cast on for the sleeves and have been plugging away.
A little side bar-I have been feeling a bit uninspired the last few days. I think I need to be around some artistic and inspiring people. A friend of mine who is an incredible artist has a new web site. Take some time to peruse his portfolio and if you are ever in the Milwaukee area try to get to his gallery and tell him Amy sent you.
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