Friday, December 12, 2008

Baa Baa Black Sheep

I was at the library at T3's school yesterday, I am the volunteer Librarian, and was checking in some newly donated books. I have to look up the titles online to determine the Accelerated Reader information which is how the library is organized. Anyway, I came across "Baa Baa Black Sheep" by Iza Trapani and was very tempted to borrow the book for myself, for a long time. This particular version has 10 verses, if my memory serves me , and is about a knitter. This story is about a knitter who has to say "No, I don't have..." but in the end, I do have this knit wonder for you. Enjoy. Be warm. Feel my hug. Be my Friend.

As I read through the knitting blogs and Ravelry the theme this time of year is knit gifts. Who to knit for, what to knit, how much knitting can we get done, who appreciates our work, who is no longer getting knit gifts, etc. There are people who give a knit gift with the approximate number of stitches. We knit because we love to but it is still a lot of time, money and skill. I toot my own horn on that. My knit gifts also say
Enjoy. Be warm. Feel my hug. Be my Friend.

I want a copy of the book in every room and one to give to every knitter I know. Thank you Iza.

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