Friday, May 22, 2009


Hi, my name is Amy, I am a Facebook addict.

I love that site. I check on my friends multiple times every day. I chat with people almost every time I am on line. I have recently been sucked into the Bejeweled Blitz craze. (I have no idea how to get 50,000 points! but I keep trying) I keep in touch with my family and friends this way. I love to see pictures posted. I love to post pictures of my family and our activities. My husband has been a Facebook user for a number of years. T1 also now has a page. We must be on his friend list and he knows we check on him, he is 14. This is safe internet/parenting practices.

Any one not familiar with Facebook I suggest you check it out. It is a networking site. Be warned though that you will lose significant amounts of time. Time will disappear and you will never get it back. You will not mind though. You will find friends that you previously lost. High school and college pals that were not at the last reunion. Neighborhood chums that you thought were gone with your childhood. They will post pictures and chat and tell you how their day went. Time will go. You will be happy you visited. You will have networked.

I only have 120 friends on my list which is not a lot by most counts, but I feel honored and blessed that that many people have me on their list. Thirty of those people are my family and extended family.

For the first time last night I deleted someone. "Are you sure you want to remove this person from you list? This cannot be undone." I clicked-yes.

The person in question is a teenager that was our neighbor before we moved. Teenagers seem to think that Facebook is for kids. It is not. It is a networking site. Why do humans 13 to 18 years of age need to network? I added her as a friend to keep in touch with the whole family. I don't have many teens on my list but there are only two that use the status updates like texting or instant messaging. You know the fewer letters the better, idk=i don't know, brb=be right back, etc. The entire year of having her updates on my page has been a series of incomplete sentences full of words with no spelling rules. The spelling is not even phonetic. I have no idea what was being said or implied. Her relationship status was single, then married, then single again, at 15 or 16?! I know this is a smart girl with a solid home and family. Anyway, our conversation went like this last night:

Girl two days ago: One more dai of school!! Noe that!

Girl yesterday: Tmmr the last dai......tears!

Me: Are you going to summer school for spelling?

Girl: Of course not, i am a honor roll student. There's no need to do such a thing. My spelling is superb. My statues are in internet slang and that's it.

Me: Your statues or statuses?

Girl: Really?? You want to go there. Let me break this down for you, i don't need to explain a darn thing about what i write and when i write it. What you said, was very uncalled for, rude and unladylike. Have you ever heard the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all." Don't get ahead of yourself, because i will put you where u need to be, know that. You think your so much better than everyone else, well sweetheart your not. End of discussion.

Me: Unladylike is your status spelling. I am very glad you are on the honor roll. Congratulations. You are a smart lovely young lady. Remember that is what you should put out for the public to see.

My Mr.: I am sorry to see you use such harsh rhetoric with Amy. It is unfortunate that in all the years living next door to you, being a friend of the family and helping out when she could that she could not be shown a little more respect in public. You have hurt her feelings over something that was meant to be fun. Please consider making an apology at your earliest.
Warm regards.

Mom: Hi, These comments seem to have gotten out of control, of course, living next door to each other stands for something, but I think Amy hurt Girl's feelings first. Saying that Girl needs to go to summer school for something so childess as spelling on this young adult web page was out of order. We have to remember to never throw stones if we live in a glass house. I do not ever use this page because I know that the young people have fun with it using their own language, so please consider that. It is truley my hope that all is forgiven and forgotten.

Girl: You have over stepped your boundries

There is so much to say but, as was pointed out, that would not be ladylike.

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