Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I have nothing new to show. I thought I would ask you to take a moment of your day to read about some projects I think are very interesting. This is a charity group project to benefit the Support Network for Battered Women, True Beauty. The other group to read about is The Milkweed Project, which is a collaborative art project. (Both of these are Ravelry groups, a and b.)

I also want to brag about my boys. My Mr. and T1 & T2 are taking the Peconic Plunge on Saturday to benefit the homeless here on Long Island. They will be swimming in the bay for a bit and T3 and I will be holding the towels and blankets. (I am making soup to warm the swimmers as well.) Then on Sunday afternoon T1 is participating in World Vision's "I will starve for food" which is a 30 hour fast to raise awareness and monies to feed children around the globe. More here.

Thank you for your time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on raising kids who care about others!!! All of our kids will go on overseas missions trips before they graduate from high school. We want them to see how blessed we are, and to develop hearts for hurting people. It's so easy to let someone else do the work!